
Friday, April 3, 2015

Dota 1 Modification : Update 2 (Units-Undead)

Update :

  1. Abomination (Pudge-Butcher)
  2. Banshee (Dreath Prophet)
  3. Ghoul (Scourge Creep Melee & Lifestealer)
  4. Hero CryptLord (Nerubian Assassin)
  5. Hero Lich (Lich)
  6. KelThuzadGhost (Necrophos)
  7. Meatwagon (Catapult Scourge)
  8. Necromancer (Scrouge Creep Range)
  9. ObsidianStatue (Outworld Devourer - Destroyer)
  10. Skeleton (Skeleton King)
  11. SkeletonMage (Pugna)
  12. Tichondrius (Night Stalker)

Steps : Download files that have been provided, then extract that file into your folder Warcraft III (Dota 1)