
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Dota 1 Modification : Update 5 (Abilities, Buildings, Doodads, Maps, Objects, Replaceable Textures, Textures, Units, war3mapImported)


A. Abilities :
  1. Mass Teleport (Boots of Travel effect)
  2. War Stomp
  3. Doom Ultimate Skill
  4. Silence
  5. Anime Dead
  6. Possession (Death Prophet Ultimate Skill)
  7. Thunder Clap (Stun Target effect)
  8. Blink
  9. Battle Roar
  10. Frost Nova
  11. Demon Hunter Missile
  12. etc

B. Buildings :
  1. Book of Summoning (Fix)
  2. Circle of Power
  3. Power Generator (Fix)
  4. Tavern
  5. Hunter Hall

C. Doodads :
  1. Ashen Hollow Stump
  2. Ashen Obilisk
  3. Brazier
  4. Keeper Statue
  5. Sentinel Statue
  6. Torch Human
  7. Torch Human Omni

D. Maps : DotA v6.81b AI 1.2.0 Rev 3 (Fix)

E. Objects : Undead Dissipate (Nevermore Ultimate Skill - Requiem of Souls)

F. Replaceable Textures : Phoenix Icon

G. Textures : Support Files

H. Units :
  1. Drow Ranger
  2. Dire Wolf (Lycan Ultimate Skill - Shapeshift)
  3. Magnus
  4. Brewmaster
  5. Tidehunter
  6. Courier Racoon
  7. Ancient Apparation
  8. Infernal (Warlock Ultimate Skill - Chaotic Offering)
  9. Medusa
  10. Puck
  11. Magina
  12. Mirana
  13. Phantom Assassin
  14. Leshrac
  15. Wisp Explode
  16. Spectre
  17. Vengeful Spirit
  18. Earthshaker
  19. Death Prophet (Fix)
  20. Lich
  21. Sentry Ward
  22. Serpen Ward (Shadow Shaman Ultimate Skill - Mass Serpent Ward)
  23. Healing Ward (Juggernaut Skill 2 - Healing Ward)

I. War3mapimported :
  1. Earthshaker (Aghanim's Scepter effect)
  2. Fire Spirits effect (Phoenix Skill 2)
  3. Town Portal Scroll effect

Steps : Download files that have been provided, then extract that file into your folder Warcraft III (Dota 1)

Download :
Update 5 (Abilities, Buildings, Doodads, Maps, Objects, Replaceable Textures, Textures, Units, war3mapImported)

For Dota HQ center, visit :
  1. (Dota HQ's Official Blog)
  2. (Suggestion / News / post your bugs if found

Reminder : My Dota 1 Modification different with Dota HQ from that Official Website/Blog.

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